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Message from AurƩlie Bouti

šŸ‡¬šŸ‡§ The second village, where I ate the best pasta of my life (trofie with pesto) regardless of the restaurant and where I usually do my little shopping, including pesto, invented in the region. This village is full of charm and going down to the small port to sit there for a while is really worth the cost. šŸ‡«šŸ‡· Le second village, oĆ¹ jā€™ai mangĆ© les meilleures pĆ¢tes de ma vie (des trofie au pesto) peu importe le restaurant et oĆ¹ jā€™ai lā€™habitude de faire mes petits achats dont le pesto, inventĆ© dans la rĆ©gion. Ce village est plein de charme et descendre jusquā€™au petit port pour sā€™y asseoir un moment vaut vraiment le coĆ»t.

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