Guide InfoBooking page

Basic Information about traveling in Iceland

The do's and dont's of traveling in Iceland

How I can help you plan the perfect trip

Learn more about what is in my Iceland guide and how I can help you!

Solo Travel in Iceland

Did you know Iceland is one of the safest countries on earth? And that's only one many reasons why it is the best country for solo travel.

11 Money Saving Tips for Iceland

There are some easy ways to save money in Iceland. I've made a list for you!

Iceland packing list (for summer and winter)

There are a lot of things you might not expect to need on your holiday to Iceland, so I listed them for you!

Life after your Iceland trip - Elisa in Iceland Aftercare

This is the hardest part of traveling through Iceland: having to go back home and feel homesick for Iceland. But I have a solution!

Traveling from Reykjavík to North Iceland

As I've mentioned many times: The North is my favorite part of Iceland. And this is how you get there.

My favorite months to visit Iceland

Most people that book a trip to Iceland visit in the summer time, which is also the high season. But let me tell you which months I prefer!

The most Icelandic things to do

Do what the locals do!

Parking in Iceland

While a lot of parking is free in Iceland, there are also several places where you have to pay. I've made a list for you.

Sightseeing in the rain

What to do when the weather is bad in Iceland

Your Icelandic Road Trip Playlist

My favorite Icelandic music in a playlist for you

When do the mountain roads open?

Find out what dates most mountain roads open

Celebrating New Year in Iceland

Bonfires, comedy and fireworks

My Favorite Puffin Spots

Many people come to Iceland to see the puffins. But where is the best spot to see them?