Itinerary Review

4.9(39 reviews)
Madeira, Portugal

How it works:


Complete Purchase

Choose your desired itinerary length and complete the payment process.

Submit Itinerary

After purchase, you can create your itinerary in the Rexby itinerary builder

Receive Itinerary

I'll provide an itinerary review based on your survey answers within 3-10 days.

What to expect

I will analyse every detail, offering personalised tips for an unforgettable trip. Travel with confidence knowing your adventure has been fine-tuned for maximum enjoyment.

4.9(39 reviews)

Yelizaveta Horela

January 2025

Very nice guide, where you can easily find beautiful places to visit 🫶🏼

Kobe Tilbury

January 2025

Great guide

Amy Dost

December 2024

I didn't know what to expect with this but I am so impressed. The photos and videos do an amazing job of showing what each place looks like, and the descriptions answered most of my questions. I had a few follow up questions that Sergio helped me out with, especially with one of the trails currently being closed.

The last time I planned a trip I spent days upon days scouring every source imaginable to find hidden gems, beautiful spots, and things to do. Then I would compile photos from google and instagram to pair with the place and then try to map out everything.

Sergio has done all of this and more. Everything is easy to locate and it makes making a personalized itinerary so much easier. He also has multiple options for itineraries that you can follow if you don't want to do any planning. I've been able to preplan everything, down to the restaurants we'll stop at on the way. This took so much weight off of me, and let me spend my time looking forward to the trip instead of stressing over planning.

Peter Koetje

December 2024

Good info.

Maria Putsik

November 2024

Провели чудесную неделю на Мадейре, благодаря этому гайду! Сэкономили кучу денег на экскурсиях, самостоятельно катались на машине по безлюдным красивым локациям. особенно понравился 4-х дневный экспресс-тур по Мадейре, очень удобно, что все локации продублированы на Гугл-карте, удобно быстро забивать в навигатор авто. Отдельное спасибо за такую удобную организацию приложения, что вся нужная информация всегда под рукой и доступна оффлайн. Мы очень продуктивно и с кайфом провели эти дни здесь и не болела голова, куда ехать дальше. Просто доверились представленной здесь информации и просто влюбились в весь остров!

Consultation by Sergio
Joined in September 2023

Full-Time Madeira Explorer 🧭 Hiking 🥾 Yachting ⛵️Travelling 🌍
