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My favorite ice cream shop




Message from Elisa in Iceland

Let's talk about ice cream. You wouldn't expect it, because of the Icelandic climate. But Icelanders loooooovvvveee ice cream. And they will eat it any time of the day, any day of the year.

Most ice cream shops are open until very late at night and all year round. So there's no excuse not to treat yourself.

My favorite ice cream store in Akureyri is Ísbudin (which literally translates to "the ice cream store").

Definitely only get a small one to start with, because they are already massive. You can choose one flavors of ice cream (vanilla, chocolate or strawberries) and then you get to choose from a big selection of toppings (you can choose three). If you are overwhelmed by all the choices, just get what I always get. And you can even try to do it in Icelandic:

I would like to get a small vanilla bragdarefur, with raspberries, chocolate and licorice - Ég ætla að fá litinn vanillu bragðaref með hindberjum, súkkulaði og lakkrís.


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